Open doors and create success in your business.


We are a group of female founders who come together to share ideas, provide support and accountability, and help each other reach our goals. This is your portal into the Sales and Marketing Accelerator. A powerful tool for personal and professional growth, the Success Club will help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. It is also a great and fun way to build your personal network.

We're Here For You

The Success Club is where you connect with other founders. In it you'll find a member directory that allows you to view all of the members in our community as well as send them private messages to connect further.

Live Events

The Success Club is where you will access the live sessions with Victoria and be notified of the time and date for everything including:

  • Accountability Boss
  • Monthly Masterminds
  • Planning Retreats

Success Circles

Circles are the way that we organize content and activities within the Success Club. You want to join Circles that you are interested in to gain access and meet like-minded founders.

Challenges and Meetups

Challenges and Meetups are two of the ways that we stimulate discussion and find out what are members are most interested in gaining from the Success Club.


Every good community has a handful of members who drive a lot of the conversation and keep things interesting. Our Leaderboard will show you the most engaged members, and that may even be you!



Message from Victoria:

"I really believe in the power of women working and growing together to achieve MASSIVE results.

The mission of The Success Club is that a rising tide lifts all ships. And we as a community are responsible for encouraging and lifting each other up.

We need to open doors for each other and create opportunities for each other, knowing that there are more opportunities, customers, and funding than we could ever imagine. When we approach our work with a sense of abundance and not scarcity, we can create a thriving community where everybody wins.

We need to work together against the societal messages that tell us that we are not enough or that we should play small.  Messages that make us feel ashamed of being ambitious. Ambitious and wanting more for ourselves and our lives in our birthright.

My intention with The Success Club is that we form a deep bond that will go well beyond this accelerator and our time together. A bond that will inspire a coalition of intelligent and determined founders paving the way for future generations to live their wildest dreams and grow companies that change the world.

Every day, my team and I will be inside the platform fielding questions, sharing inspiration, and inviting us all to do the essential mindset work to open us up to the next level of success in our lives in businesses.

I do hope you will become a vibrant, active member community because we need your voice and energy to help us all feel loved, supported, and unstoppable."